Discount Personalized Outdoor Pedestal Picnic Table Kit For Sale Cheap Wholesale Prices

Call Us For A Free Pedestal Picnic Table Kit Quote! 877-483-9270

Our personalized outdoor pedestal picnic table offers you more than basic advertising. It also offers you protection against theft. Look closely at the picture above, and you will see that the corporate logo is cut from the metal plates manufactured into the perforated surface.

Should the table be stolen, it can be quickly identified by law enforcement. This makes it less attractive to anyone who traffics in black market products because the likelihood of apprehension is significantly increased.

It is one thing to paint a stolen bicycle black. It is another thing to fill in an opening made in solid metal!

While cutting the metal itself is the surest way to safeguard an outdoor pedestal table against theft, you may not need this particular safeguard in your area. If the likelihood of theft is minimal or nil, your organization may want to invest in something a bit more distinctive.

One option you can choose is our secondary color process. Letters and numbers are manufactured into the metal itself, but a second color is added to make them stand out. Schools and corporations typically favor this method because it makes their mascot or commercial logo more noticeable from a distance.

A third method of personalizing an outdoor pedestal table involves a technique known as sublimation. This process allows for high resolution artwork to be applied to the metal. We guarantee the quality of the image for 5 years of consistent exposure to the elements. Private organizations and municipalities with rich local history favor this form of personalization because it allows them to tell their story with a picture.

Personalized outdoor pedestal tables stand on 30” or 40” pedestal bases. They feature tops measuring 36” in diameter and a thermoplastic coating that makes them weather and corrosion resistant. Choose from 16 colors when you order today.

We can help you create outdoor picnic furniture that you won’t have to replace any time soon, and we’ll make your business look great. Call 1-877-483-9270 for a free quote today!