Outdoor Commercial Waste Receptacles For Sale In San Antonio, Austing

Call Us For A Free Outdoor Commercial Waste Receptacles Quote! 877-483-9270

Once again, you can see just how popular our welded, 32-gallon receptacle has become. Of all of the outdoor commercial waste receptacles we sell, this seems to be the favored size and style for practically every industry group we service.

One of the main reasons for this popularity is the spun metal lid at the top. It is only large enough to funnel trash into the bag. Small children cannot easily reach through the top and pull things out of the bag because of the shape the lid and the smaller size of the opening.

Because child safety is a major priority for schools and civic organizations, many prefer this particular line of outdoor commercial waste receptacles. However, you might be surprised to know that many companies, retail centers, civic centers, and theme also choose this design for its appearance. These facilities are often located in areas with a great deal of natural beauty where a standard trash can would stick out like an eyesore.

Think about it. Most of us still visualize a trash container as a big metal or a plastic can with either a drab appearance or an outright ugly one.

The opposite is true for our 32-gallon welded receptacle. It acutally has the hint of an hourglass shape. It curves to its narrowest point just below the middle, then begins to expand again as it nears the base. This is very important, because Nature seldom a perfect geometric shape.

Nature is more about combined geometry than anything else. So if you want to make your amenities look like part of the natural world, you will need outdoor commercial waste receptables that combine geometry into forms that resemble the natural environment.

This curvilnear design compliments the natural environment much better than a true cylinder or a can that is shaped like a funnel.

Call Us For A Free Outdoor Commercial Waste Receptacles Quote! 877-483-9270